California Independent Log Home Distributors

Laustalot Construction Inc.
Independent Distributor
Cole & Tricia Laustalot
Redding CA
530.549.5768 or 1.877.588.5647

C. Brett Mizeur
Independent Distributor
Bend, OR
877-LUV-LOGS (588-5647)
Cell: 541-578-0787
Hello Joel, André and Pioneer Log HomesI would like to express my Thanks and Appreciation to you for the amazing jobs you have done creating my home and entrance. It far surpasses all I imagined. I walk around and around the house inside and out looking at the care you took on choosing each log. The character and beauty of each log is so unique to the other. I love the sight, the feel and the smell of them. It is heavenly. I am awed at the talent and craftsmanship that you have. You are truly blessed.
My daughters’ employer just sold a painting in Europe for $80 Million, and I know that it does not have the beauty or artistic talent that this Log house has.
My husband and I feel like it is alive. We feel like there is a spirit about it. I can assure you that we will love and care for it as it is a living piece of art with spirit. Only love will abide, and it is giving us comfort and joy.
Again and again I Thank You for your efforts, hard work, talent, and great care that you have taken in building our beautiful home. Pioneer is the finest Log Home in the world.
, Pioneer didn’t just build a dream home, they created paradise.
Newest members of the Pioneer family,
Lacey, WAOur Best to You.
- Terri and Jerry, Walker Basin, California
Eric & Kelly Carrier- Developer